World Class Design

It had to be unique and one which just attracts attention on the first look.

Best Support

Being there when your customer needs it is the single important thing you can make for one.

Lightning Fast

Fast and effective was the combination of this piece of art.


Started as usual – an idea! Thinkering and trying we worked on getting the right ratio of design and innovation so our work would be one which catches eye and also shows off new technology level. To create this virtual vehicle interior we started from blank page and finished with console which is fully integrated with all the best of one marked on the steering wheel 🙂

Custom steering wheel packed with all the cool electronics, gadgets and gizmos for your entertainment was something different.

Various setups were made and tested before one which was completely at the expected level was selected. We don’t have to say that those tasks were one which makes difference, right?

Everything starts and ends with hard metal. This is just how things go and we know it and you know it. In this case going light and easy to transport was just one more thing to do, also not to forget – it should be easy to take apart and back.

  At the end of the project just standing and looking at it  …. that’s it,  as always custom and hand built is the only way to do it.